Behind the Blinds

Tips for the Perfect Home Office Design

Working from home has been the new reality for a huge chunk of Canadians over the last year – and it looks like the WFH option may continue well after this pandemic is over. Working from your kitchen table isn’t exactly ideal – especially if your spouse is sitting across from you chowing down while you work. If you’ve been thinking about creating your own home office, keep reading this post. Here are our top tips for the perfect home office design.

Why You Need a Home Office

You may not have the extra room but you definitely do need to set up some space that is for working only. Working from your bed or the couch is not ideal. It can make it difficult for you to stay motivated throughout the day. If you want to be able to work well and keep your job, you need an environment that says “work” instead of “relax.”

Your work and home life are meshing together right now so it’s important to carve out some space that is designated for the working version of you. This way, you won’t lose track of time watching TV when you’re supposed to be handing in a report!

Pick a Location – and Declutter It!

The hardest part about creating a home office is figuring out where you’re going to put it. If you don’t have a spare room available in your home, you may have to get a little creative. All you really need is a desk, a chair, and a window so you don’t feel more confined than you actually are. Be sure to choose a room that has some extra space for your workstation and isn’t surrounded by distractions.

This may mean you finally have to get around to tidying up that messy corner of the room or give away the items you’ve been meaning to give away for a year or two to make some room. Your home may have much more space than you think. So, phase one: declutter! Once you organize and declutter your space, you’ll see how much easier it is to get into the work mindset when you sit down.

Adjust for Comfort

If your desk is not at an optimal height, you may want to get a laptop stand to make yourself more comfortable. You can very easily slip into some bad habits working from home and wind up with pain in your back or legs. Adjust your desk and your computer to the right height so you can work properly without straining yourself.

You should also invest in a comfortable, adjustable, and supportive chair for your workday. A kitchen stool is not ideal for getting through the workday. Invest a little time in preparing your ideal workstation if you want to maximize your work.

Adjust Your Lighting

It’s really important for morale to work near a window with a view of the outside – even if all you can see is a busy street in front of your home. That also means lots of sunlight may be landing on your computer screen, making it tough to see. Solar shades are really effective at letting the light in while blocking both glare on devices and UV rays.

You should also ensure you have a bright lamp nearby for gloomy days or late-night work. Bright lighting will make it much easier for you to work properly. Avoid dim lighting for your workspace.

Home Office in a Closet Idea

This office in a closet is genius! We’re absolutely loving this idea. If you have a closet you can declutter, this is the ideal setup for your WFH station. Bonus: it won’t take up any additional space in your home.

Build An Outdoor Home Office

The warmer weather is finally on the way – we hope, anyway! And that means you may be able to take your workstation outside onto the patio. Again, you should choose one specific area of your patio to work at – preferably not on a pool float or in a lounge chair! Choose your one work spot and use it to enjoy the fresh air while you work.

This summer, we’re expecting to continue to deal with many social restrictions. Working outdoors is great for morale and can make the workday go by quicker. To design the perfect outdoor home office, consider investing in outdoor solar shades to cut glare, UV rays, and wind. You’ll be much more comfortable outside on the patio with our weather-resistant outdoor shades. They block the elements while still allowing some natural sunshine to filter through.

How are you dealing with your WFH life? Have you designated a spot in your home to get through the workday?

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