How Do You Clean Zebra Blinds?

Keeping your gorgeous zebra blinds and sheer shades looking their best not only makes your investment look better longer, but it can actually lengthen the life of your shades, too. If you have recently installed some of these shades in your home, keep reading to find out how you can clean your zebra blinds.

zebra shades

Zebra blinds are a Canadian favourite! These blinds offer a contemporary look and let you control how much natural light comes into the room.

Dust the Surface of Your Zebra Blinds

The first step is to pass a dry feather duster or microfibre cloth over the sheer material once a week to prevent dust buildup. You can do this for all of your window treatments but it is especially important with sheer shades because the material allows light to filter through and can really make unsightly dust stand out.

Gently Vacuum Zebra Blinds

You can also use a vacuum with a gentle brush attachment to clean your sheer shades once per month. Be sure to put your vacuum on the lowest setting, if possible. Never apply the vacuum to the shades without a gentle brush attachment. Avoid using other equipment, like a hairdryer, as heat can be very damaging to the sheer material.

Zebra Blinds Can Be Spot Cleaned

If you happen to get a stain on the material, you can spot clean it with vinegar or a gentle, bleach-free, stain remover. Always dab your cleansing product on the back of the shades first to test how the material reacts to it before applying it to a visible area. Use a soft, slightly damp cloth to gently work the stain away. Be careful not to rub vigorously.

Remove the Shades

If your shades have several stains, you can remove the entire shade from the window and lay it flat. Spot clean as necessary. You can also use a soft sponge in soapy water (with a gentle detergent) to wash the blinds from top to bottom.

Let Them Dry Naturally

If you have spot-treated, or if you have removed your blinds to wash with a sponge, leave them hanging or lay them flat to dry. Do not put them in the dryer or use a hairdryer to speed up the drying process. This can damage or warp the material. Allowing them to dry naturally will help preserve the material as long as possible.

Do you have questions about how to maintain and care for your blinds or shades? Ask us in the comments below.

20 thoughts on “How Do You Clean Zebra Blinds?

  1. Hello…Im hoping you can help me
    We have 2 Zebra blinds on our patio doors
    Our granchildren were over and went out without rolling them up they have a few creases in them
    Is there anyway we can get the creases out
    Please help
    Thanks Debbie

    • Hi Debbie! Do you happen to have a steamer? This can be a safe way to get the creases out of the fabric. Be sure not to hold the steam too close. Start further away and slowly move closer to the fabric. As soon as you see it is working, stop there. If you get too close and offer too much heat, the material can get damaged. We hope this info is helpful. Let us know how it goes 🙂

    • You can use a vacuum to clear them out if you can fit it in between the slats. We recommend using a long, thin attachment. If not, you can try slipping a feather duster in there to collect them and clear the way.

    • Hi Rachel. Makeup is very tricky because it does stain. I recommend using a gentle stain remover without bleach and spraying it on the stain. Let the stain remover soak in a little bit and then gently dab it with a microfibre cloth. Do not rub as this may fray the fabric. It can take a little bit of time but it should come out nicely. Let us know if you have any other issues. We’re happy to help 🙂

      • How can I remove water stains from my Zebra blind? I’ve tried mild detergent, and have allowed it to air dry. That didn’t work. Then I tried using a damp cloth and a low heat blow dryer, but again, it didn’t work. Any suggestions?

        • Those are the safest techniques for that delicate material. When you say water stains, are yu sure there is no oily substance in there at all?

  2. How do you remove “water” stains out of the zebra blind? I have tried spot cleaning, letting them dry naturally & using a low heat hair dryer. They just don’t come out.

  3. All of my concerns about housekeeping have been addressed by this post. I like the thorough explanations on how to clean lightly and thoroughly, as well as the helpful advice for avoiding the accumulation of dust. I appreciate the in-depth instructions on how to keep my zebra blinds in pristine condition.

    • You can try a stain remover but we recommend spot testing on the back of the shade first to make sure it doesn’t damage the material. Ideally, a product that is safe and does not contain bleach will be safest. Be sure to dab and spot treat, being careful not to rub the fabric abrasively.

  4. How do you remove “water” stains out of the zebra blind? I have tried spot cleaning, letting them dry naturally & using a low heat hair dryer. They just don’t come out. I have followed all the steps.. please help..

  5. Our couch is up against one of our windows and our dog likes to sit up top to stair out the blinds. We discovered today he must have thrown up and it’s all over teh blinds. How can I get that out as it’s a large area.

    • Are they fabric blinds or shades? You can use gentle stain removing liquid or dish soap mixed with water but we recommend starting small to see how the cleaner affects the fabric. Do not rub vigorously so the fabric doesn’t fray. Gently dab it until the stain begins to wear away.

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