Repair Guide for Vertical Blind Tracks

If you have a broken stem (the piece that holds the holds the slat in place) or worm gear (which works between the tilt rod and stem), then follow the instructions below to fix them.
NOTE: If the carrier body is damaged, replacing the stem and worm gear won’t fix the problem. If your track was damaged during shipping or your order is under warranty, we will send you a new track.

1. Open the vertical blinds so they are exactly straight.

2. These are the stem, carrier body, and carrier on our vertical blinds.

3. Twist the stem using needle nose pliers to remove it. It should come out relatively easily.

4. Remove the worm gear from the carrier body. It will not come out unless the track is straight.

5. View of components after disassembly.

6. Replace worm gear if needed. Grab the tip using the pliers, and slip it into place with the teeth side facing upwards. It will not go in properly unless the track is straight.

7. Hold the carrier body in place with your fingers, and then push the stem in at the base. It may require a fair amount of force to snap it into place. Then, hang the vane.